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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Concurrent Constructs

Types of concurrent constructs

• when … else
• with … select

NOTE: These constructs need not be in the process.


• A concurrent statement which assigns one of several expressions to a signal, depending on the values of Boolean conditions which are tested in sequence.

• Equivalent to a process containing an if statement.


[Label:] Target <= [Options]
Expression [after TimeExpression] when Condition else
Expression [after TimeExpression] when Condition else
Expression [after TimeExpression] [when Condition];

Where to use ?

architecture – begin – HERE - end
block – begin – HERE - end
generate – begin – HERE - end


• The reserved word guarded may only appear in a signal assignment within a guarded block. A guarded assignment only executes when the guard expression on the surrounding block is true.

• An Expression on the right hand side may be replaced by the reserved word “unaffected”.


• Conditional signal assignments are synthesized to combinational logic.

• The Expressions on the right hand side are multiplexed onto the Target signal.

• The resulting logic will be priority encoded, because the conditions are tested in sequence.


• Conditional and selected signal assignments are a concise way to describe combinational logic in Register Transfer Level descriptions, although processes can be easier to read and maintain in some cases.

• A conditional assignment is a neat way to convert from a Boolean condition to the type Std_logic.


z <= a when s1=‘1’
b when s2=‘1’
c ;

Example (Tri-state Buffer)

architecture tri_buff of tri_buff_part is
out1 <= in1 when control=‘1’
end tri_buff ;

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Difference in VHDL

• In VHDL the same statement will mean a feedback in a purely combinational logic which is invalid.

• VHDL code is inherently concurrent (parallel).

• Only statements placed inside a PROCESS, FUNCTION, or PROCEDURE are sequential.

• Concurrent code is also called data flow code.

• Order does not matter.

• We can only build combinational logic circuits with concurrent code.

• Concurrent assignment produces one driver for each assignment statement.

Multiple driver assignment

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Delays in VHDL

• In VHDL, there are three types of delay that are encountered.

– Inertial delay
– Transport delay
– Delta delay

Inertial Delay

• Inertial delay is the default in VHDL.

• Behaves similarly to the actual device.

• Output signal of the device has inertia, which must be overcome for the signal to change value.

• The inertial delay model is by far the most commonly used in all currently available simulators.

Transport Delay

• It represents a wire delay in which any pulse, no matter how small, is propagated to the output signal delayed by the delay value specified.

• Especially useful for modeling delay line devices, wire delays on a PCB, and path delays on an ASIC.

Delta delay

• These are used since the PC that processes and simulates a concurrent phenomenon is basically a sequential machine.

• The simulation program mimics concurrency by scheduling events in some order.

• Simulation deltas are used to order some types of events during a simulation.

• Specifically, zero delay events must be ordered to produce consistent results.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010


• As the name suggests, GENERIC is a way of specifying a generic parameter.

• A static parameter that can be easily modified and adapted to different applications.

• The purpose is to make the code more flexible and reusable.

• must be declared in the ENTITY.

• More than one GENERIC parameter can be specified in an ENTITY.


GENERIC (parameter_name : parameter_type := parameter_value);


The GENERIC statement below specifies a parameter called n, of type INTEGER, whose default value is 8. Therefore, whenever n is found in the ENTITY itself or in the ARCHITECTURE (one or more) that follows, its value will be assumed to be 8.


ENTITY my_entity IS
GENERIC (n : INTEGER := 8; vector: BIT_VECTOR := "00001111");
PORT (...);
END my_entity;
ARCHITECTURE my_architecture OF my_entity IS
END my_architecture;


ARCHITECTURE generic_decoder OF decoder IS
PROCESS (ena, sel)

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


• An attribute is data that are attached to VHDL objects or predefined data about VHDL objects.

• Examples are the current drive capability of a buffer or the maximum operating temperature of the device.

• Types are
– Data Attributes
– Signal Attributes
– User-defined Attributes

Data Attributes

The pre-defined, synthesizable data attributes are the following:
• d’LOW : Returns lower array index
• d’HIGH : Returns upper array index
• d’LEFT : Returns leftmost array index
• d’RIGHT : Returns rightmost array index
• d’LENGTH : Returns vector size
• d’RANGE : Returns vector range
• d’REVERSE_RANGE: Returns vector range in reverse order

Consider the following signal:
d'LOW=0, d'HIGH=7, d'LEFT=7, d'RIGHT=0,
d'LENGTH=8, d'RANGE=(7 downto 0),
d'REVERSE_RANGE=(0 to 7)

If the signal is of enumerated type, then:
• d’VAL(pos) : Returns value in the position specified
• d’POS(value) : Returns position of the value specified
• d’LEFTOF(value) : Returns value in the position to the left of the value specified
• d’VAL(row, column) : Returns value in the position specified; etc

NOTE:There is little or no synthesis support.
for enumerated data type attributes

Signal Attributes

Let us consider a signal s
• s’EVENT : Returns true when an event occurs on s
• s’STABLE : Returns true if no event has occurred on s
• s’ACTIVE : Returns true if s = ‘1’

All four assignments shown below are synthesizable
and equivalent. They return TRUE when an event (a
change) occurs on clk, AND if such event is upward
(in other words, when a rising edge occurs on clk)

IF (clk'EVENT AND clk='1')... -- EVENT attribute-- used with IF
IF (NOT clk'STABLE AND clk='1')... -- STABLE --attribute used
-- with IF
WAIT UNTIL (clk'EVENT AND clk='1'); -- EVENT --attribute used
-- with WAIT
IF RISING_EDGE(clk)... -- call to a function

User-defined Attributes

• VHDL also allows the construction of user-defined attributes.
• To employ a user-defined attribute, it must be declared and specified.

Attribute Declaration:

ATTRIBUTE attribute_name: attribute_type ;

Attribute Specification:

ATTRIBUTE attribute_name OF target_name: class IS value;


attribute_type: any data type (BIT, INTEGER, STD_LOGIC_VECTOR, etc.)
value: ‘0’, 27, ‘‘00 11 10 01’’, etc.


ATTRIBUTE number_of_inputs: INTEGER;
ATTRIBUTE number_of_inputs OF nand3: SIGNAL IS 3;
inputs <= nand3'number_of_inputs; -- attribute call, -- returns 3

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Saturday, October 23, 2010


• Each object has a data type and class.

• Class indicates how the object is used in the module and what can be done with that object.

• Type indicates what type of data the object contains.

• Each object belongs to one of the following class:


• These are identifiers with fixed values.

• The value is assigned only once when declared.

• Values cannot be changed during simulation

CONSTANT bus_width : INTEGER :=16 ;

• Constants make the design description more readable.

• Design changed at later time becomes easy.


Equivalent to wires within a circuit


architecture and_gate of myand is
signal TEMP : STD_LOGIC ;
U1 : AND2 portmap ( a, b, TEMP ) ;
U2 : AND2 portmap (TEMP, c , d ) ;
end and_gate ;

• Thus signals are used :

– to connect design entities together and communicate changes in values within a design
– instead of INOUT mode

• Each signal has a history of values i.e. they hold a list of values which include current value of the signal and a set of possible future values that can appear on the signal.

• Computed value is assigned to signal after specified delay called DELTA DELAY.


• These are objects with single current value.

• They are used to store the intermediate values between the sequential statements.

• Variable assignment occurs immediately.

• Variables can be declared and used inside the process statement only. But they retain their value throughout the entire simulation.

Example :

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Operator overloading

• Operators can be user-defined.

• Let us consider the pre-defined arithmetic operators seen earlier (+,- , *, /, etc.). They specify arithmetic operations between data of certain types (INTEGER, for example).

• For instance, the pre-defined ‘‘+’’ operator does not allow addition between data of type BIT.

• We can define our own operators, using the same name as the pre-defined ones.

• For example, we could use ‘‘+’’ to indicate a new kind of addition, this time between values of type BIT_VECTOR. This technique is called operator overloading.

• Example: Consider that we want to add an integer to a binary 1-bit number. Then the following FUNCTION could be used.

IF (b='1') THEN RETURN a+1;
END "+";

A call to the function above could thus be the

SIGNAL inp1, outp: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO15;
outp <= 3 + inp1 + inp2;

• In ‘‘outp<=3+inp1+inp2;’’, the first ‘‘+’’ is the pre- defined addition operator (adds two integers), while the second is the overloaded user-defined addition operator (adds an integer and a bit).

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Comparison operators

Shift operators

Concatenation operator

• Operands can be one-dimensional array type or element type
• “ &” works on vectors only
& Concatenation


b <= ‘0’ & c(1) & d(2) ;
a <= c & d ;

Operator summary

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


• VHDL provides several kinds of pre- defined operators
– Assignment operators
– Logical operators
– Arithmetic operators
– Relational operators
– Shift operators
– Concatenation operators

Assignment operators

• Are used to assign values to signals, variables, and constants.

Then the following assignments are legal:

x <= '1'; -- '1' is assigned to SIGNAL x using "<="
y := "0000"; -- "0000" is assigned to VARIABLE y using --":="
w <= "10000000"; -- LSB is '1', the others are '0'
w <= (0 =>'1', OTHERS =>'0'); -- LSB is '1', the others -- are '0'

Logical operators

• Used to perform logical operations.

• The data must be of type:

Arithmetic operators

• Used to perform arithmetic operations. The data can be of type INTEGER, SIGNED, UNSIGNED, or REAL (the last cannot be synthesized directly).

• Also, if the std_logic_signed or the std_logic_unsigned package of the ieee library is used, then STD_LOGIC_VECTOR can also be employed directly in addition and subtraction operations.

• There are no synthesis restrictions regarding addition and subtraction, and the same is generally true for multiplication.

• For division, only power of two dividers (shift operation) are allowed.

• For exponentiation, only static values of base and exponent
are accepted.

• Regarding the mod and rem operators, y mod x returns the remainder of y/x with the signal of x, while y rem x returns the remainder of y/x with the signal of y.

• Finally, abs returns the absolute value.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Categories of data types (VHDL)

User defined data types

• VHDL allows user defined data types.

• Two categories of this data type are:

– Integer
– Enumerated

• User defined integer type

TYPE my_integer IS RANGE -32 to +32 ;
TYPE student_grade IS RANGE 0 to 100 ;

• User defined enumerated type

TYPE my_logic IS (‘0’, ‘1’, ‘Z’);
TYPE my_state IS ( idle, forward, backward, stop) ;

• The encoding of enumerated types is done sequentially and automatically.

• Since here there are 4 states only two bits are required hence “00” is assigned to first state ( idle), “01” to second state (forward) and so on.


• A SUBTYPE is a TYPE with a constraint.

• Though operations between data of different types are not allowed, they are allowed between the subtype and its corresponding base type.
SUBTYPE sub_state IS my_state RANGE idle to backward ;

This means that the subtype
sub_state =(idle, forward, backward)


• Arrays are collections of objects of same type.

• Can be 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional or
1D X 1D.

• Higher dimensional arrays are possible but not synthesize.

Array syntax

To specify an array :
TYPE type_name IS ARRAY (specification) OF data_type ;

To use an array :
SIGNAL signal_name : type_name [:= initial_value]

Example : 1D x 1D array
– We want to build an array containing 4 vectors, each of size 8 bits.
– we will call each vector as row and the complete array as matrix.

Example : 2D array
– This array will be created with scalars only.

Port Arrays

• In the specification of the input or output pins (PORTS) of a circuit (which is made in the ENTITY), we might need to specify the ports as arrays of vectors.

• Since TYPE declarations are not allowed in an ENTITY, the solution is to declare user-defined data types in a PACKAGE, which will then be visible to the whole design (thus including the ENTITY)

• As can be seen in the example above, a user- defined data type, called vector_array,was created, which can contain an indefinite number of vectors of size eight bits each (NATURAL RANGE <> signifies that the range is not fixed, with the only restriction that it must fall within the NATURAL range, which goes from 0 to +2,147,483,647)

• The data type was saved in a PACKAGE called my_data_types, and later used in an ENTITY to specify a PORT called inp.

• Notice in the main code the inclusion of an additional USE clause to make the user-defined package my_data_types visible to the design.


• Records are similar to arrays, with the only difference that they contain objects of different types.

Signed and Unsigned data types

• These types are defined in the std_logic_arith package of the ieee library.

• An UNSIGNED value is a number never lower than zero. For example, ‘‘0101’’
represents the decimal 5, while ‘‘1101’’ signifies 13.

• If type SIGNED is used instead, the value can be positive or negative (in two’s complement format). Therefore,‘‘0101’’ would represent the decimal 5, while ‘‘1101’’ would mean 3.

• To use SIGNED or UNSIGNED data types, the std_logic_arith package, of the ieee library, must be declared.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Data Types VHDL

• In order to write VHDL code efficiently it is necessary to study the specification and use of data types.

• Following are the categories of data types:
– Pre-defined
– User defined
– Subtypes
– Arrays
– Port arrays
– Records
– Signed and unsigned

Pre-defined data types

• Specified by IEEE 1076 and IEEE 1164

• To assign a value to the signal use the operator “ < = ”

• Assignment examples:

• Other types

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Language Elements of VHDL

• VHDL is a strongly typed language.
– Designers have to declare the type before using it.

• VHDL is not case sensitive ( but avoid mixed cases as a good programming practice)

• VHDL supports a wide variety of data types and operators.


• They are used to represent and store the data in the design being described.

• Object contains a value of specific type.

This results in an object called COUNT that holds INTEGER value that belongs to class SIGNAL.

• The name given to the object is called as identifier.

• Do not use reserved words as identifiers.

• Each object has a data type and class.

• Class indicates how the object is used in the module and what can be done with that object.

• Type indicates what type of data the object contains.

• Each object belongs to one of the following class:

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Architecture of VHDL

It specifies

• Behaviour
• Function
• Relationship between inputs and outputs of an entity


• Architecture can contain only concurrent statements.
• A design can be described in an architecture using various levels of abstraction.
• An entity can have more than one architectures since a function can be implemented in a number of ways.
• There can be no architecture without an entity.

Architectural bodies

• Behavioural

– It is the high-level description.
– It contains a set of assignment statements to represent behaviour.
– No need to focus on the gate-level implementation of a design.

• Dataflow

–It uses concurrent signal assignment statements.

• Structural

– Components from libraries are connected together.
– Designs are hierarchical.
– each component can be individually simulated.
– it makes use of component instantiation.


• Since a number of architectures can exist for an entity , using configuration statement we can bind a particular architecture to the entity.


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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010


– It is the design’s interface to the external circuitry.

– Equivalent to pinout /package of an IC.

– VHDL design must include one and only one entity per module.

– It can be used as a component in other entities after being compiled into a library.

Entity declaration

• Defines the input and output ports of the design.

• Name of the entity can be anything other than the reserved VHDL word.

• Each port in the port list must be allotted:
– a name ( should be self-explanatory that provides information about its function.
– data flow direction or mode.
– a type.

• Ports should be well documented with comments at the end of line providing additional information about the signal.

Entity syntax

entity entity_name is
port ( port_name : signal_mode signal_type ;
port_name : signal_mode signal_type ;
port_name : signal_mode signal_type );
end entity_name ;

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