A good synthesis tool should
– perform technology specific optimizations i.e. vendor specific FPGAs and CPLds.
– have best optimization techniques.
– allow designer control.
– have broad language coverage.
– provide user friendly debugging environment.
– have fast compile times.
– provide clean and seamless link with back end tools.
Tool cost depends on features provided by it
Desirable features are:
– Replicating the logic.
– Duplicate flip-flops, remove unused logic.
– optimization across design hierarchy.
– resource sharing of adders , incrementors, multipliers.
– automatic RAM inference (RAM logic is automatically mapped to technology specific RAM cells).
Replicate logic
– Replicate logic to meet fan-out demands.
– E.g. WR’ may be connected to 100 points hence add buffers to split internally.

Duplicating logic
• We can duplicate the logic which generates the signal , for minimizing fan-out.
• Trade-off : Loading effect of signals is reduced hence lowering propagation delay but at the cost of logic and interconnect complexity.

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